How to import Brazilian Products
1. Personal import with tax exemption:
The main type of sales of ExpoBrazil Shopping are low weight, low price personal imports (up to US$100,00) or up to the exemption tax limit, which varies from country to country.
2. When dealing with commercial imports, samples, or high price purchases, we are able to consider discounts from 10% up to 30%. In these cases, our team negociates with the manufacturer the price, the conditions for payment and transportation. We also negociate taxes and chaeges advice with the customs officer.
3. Each country has its own rules as for charges, import taxes and limits for exemption. Our rules do not apply to produts that are prohibited or considered illegal in your country. If you are not sure, it is always best to be up-to-date with the laws before buying it.
Charges and Import Taxes
ExpoBrazil.com cannot take responsibility over customs charges and taxes charged by your country. Since many of our products are foodstuffs, there is a possibility that they might be subject to customs charges.
Selling Brazilian products abroad (for Brazilians)
Our main goal is to promote and sell Brazilian products abroad. If you wish to show your products for foreign consumers, you are in the right place.
ExpoBrazil.com Shopping puts a powerful sales tool at your disposal: INTERNET. You will have the oportunity to experience a low-cost, short-term way to promote and sell your products to new clients.
1. In ExpoBrazil.com Shopping, all the webpages are displayed in four languages: English, Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese.
2. The orders, contacts and consults received by e-mail from abroad will be translated and forwarded to the client.
Two ways to promote and sell (for Brazilians)
Implant a virtual store in your own domain.
The greatest advantege is to be able to promote the History and Description of your Company. Ideal for companies with a greater number of products (over 200 items).
2. Show it in the window of ExpoBrazil.com Shopping, among others.
The advantage is the greatest number of visitors through the product categories, which brings a low-cost promotion and easy way of selling.
Two models can be signed up: products and prices, and you can also manage the orders through the website, directly from your computer.
- We render services of translation and contact with the buyer through e-mail, in four different languages.
- We supply reports on the general performance of the products/consult in ExpoBrazil.com.
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